This is another I forgot to post from one of my closest friends Jo
yes she's the one you've to blame for setting me loose on blogland lol thank you hunny for being there with the boot when I need a kick up the butt whether its college work or crafting I know I can rely on you to be there and kick me hard! :-)
I'm supposed to pass this on to 8 people but its really hard to choose so I'm going to pass it to EVERYONE who visits my blog - so feel free to post it, each and every one of you deserves it :-)
I am going to pass it directly though to one person who I think really deserves this and that's Amy Jo's daughter. Anyone who hasn't done should have a look at her blog - even though she's only 11 her cards are fab - a lot better than some I've seen made by people who've been crafting for years. Amy I love your cards sweetie and every time you send me one I'm thrilled - keep pinching mum's stash lololol xxxx